Friday, July 3, 2009

The boys are making their bunkers...

Tonight I decided to throw all caution to the wind and let Tim have 3 of his closest friends spend the night. Abbey is at her friends house so one part of the disaster waiting to happen has been taken out....Jim not being as brave as I, when to the movies by himself just to get out of the house!

Max is here and as you all know he has no idea he is a 3 year old so he is helping build the bunkers. This bunker building took almost an hour with the instructions that it all must go back where you found it...we will see....

They are having a Nerf war, there is an intrinsic flaw in "Nerf waring" have to reload...and reloading requires everyone stopping the game and picking up all the bullets...They lasted all of 3 and a half minutes before they had all unloaded their weapons and well got too hot to reload...Now it is not like they have just one gun each or a few bullets each they have an arsenal! Clips full of bullets and still just a few minutes, then they all have their bullets labeled so they sort it all is more than I want to even think about...They promise they are going to go out later when it is "cooler".

Stay tuned for more war coverage....