Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Who would play you in a movie of your life?

For me I have the actress all picked out, like most people I think, I am picking someone who is prettier than I am but she does have a hollywood stylist and I don't. She has played in many movies and you may or may not know her. She is a lot like me, when her hair is not so blond. We even have the same dimple although hers is more pronouced. People have told me after seeing movies that she was in that I remind them of her or her mannerisms... so she seems the most likey choice. Because of course she talks with her hands! (which you can't see as I type)

She would have play the part of a small town girl who is wisked away from her family to a new place where she breaks out of her shell and has all kinds of adventures. She would marry young and drop out of college but she would always land on her feet some how some way. She would have two kids and then go through a divorce to again land on her feet and meet the man who was there waiting for her through a thread of comon people and places that just took time to weave it all together for the to find each other only to find thier lives were intertwined the whole time. She would have another baby who would be the apple of his fathers eyes. She would endure the devastating death of her father and comedy that ensues when they all move in her mother in her parents house. You would get to know her amazing friends who are the wale threads that hold the pattern of her life together. You would see the heartbreak, joy, the craziness that would be her life....hopefully leaving this place a little better than she found it...

Oh and to see who the actress is click HERE

So who would play you? Leave a comment and lets see who we need to get under contract... =)

1 comment:

happymcfamily said...

Wasn't she on Frazier for awhile?