Monday, December 8, 2008

Winter is here!

I sit here at the computer looking out at the cold cloudy sky, I just can't get warm today! I have my sweats on and fleece vest and I am watching the kids run around the back yard. I had enough time out side today and I tap on the window to signal to stop fighting or some other command...
It is winter in Scottsdale! It is 64 ish degrees as I type this, that is near freezing! I did just have to go outside toi verify this fact for you and I now have goose bumps! For those of you who have never lived in Arizona, there is just no real way to understand. My friend Gena lives in Georgia and freezes there and blames it on being an Arizona girl.
You see when you spend over a hundred days of the summer and fall over 100 degrees it changes your body! When you spend most of month of July over 110 degrees 60 is a bit of a chill! They like to say your blood thins out...(what ever that means) I just think the heat messes with you mind so much that you go a little insane!

The sun has also not been out in two days. This is rare, I guess it rained because there was mud all over the playground at school. I never saw it or heard it, but man I miss the sun!

I hope it is sunny and warm where you are!

1 comment:

Chad and Gena said...

That is such a great story :-) I am glad that you were able to have such a fun day w/ Max. Your story and pictures make me so home sick...LOL.
