It's also a thought that changed the world
What once was hurt
What once was friction
What left a mark
No longer stings
Because Grace makes beauty
Out of ugly things
Grace makes beauty
out of ugly things ...U2
Do you ever have days where you feel like this?
I have had a few days like this! I have been sick as a DOG! Can't get out of bed let the kids run wild (if they are screaming they are still alive, right?) kind of sick... I missed work, I still feel yucky, BUT today is a BIG day! Tim made the All Star team and it is their first game! Sick or not that is where I needed and wanted to be!
Here he is in action! The was the staring pitcher tonight! How could a baseball loving mom miss that!
Or these beauties!
It was a long game! It was only 103 so it shouldn't have been too bad but being feverish still it was bad, but I made it through the game! The boys lost 4-7, They play one tomorrow, I hope for a better game.
Okay well what does that all have to do with GRACE?
Literally from Websters it is..
Main Entry:
1 grace
Pronunciation: \ˈgrās\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French,
from Latin gratia favor, charm, thanks, from gratus pleasing, grateful; akin to
It also happens to be Abby's middle name and the name of one of my favorite great aunts.
You see it is by grace that I was able to go to the game tonight
It is grace that has helped Tim to not beat himself up when his team loses
It is grace that makes me think even on those days when things seem really bad, well the grace turns things around....I like the idea of Grace, it is unconditional, unlike Karma, which is do good so good can be re payed to you, Grace is just there. Like a good friend it is always there. I like the idea it is like doing good things even when you know no one is looking because it feels good!
We were graced tonight with a beautiful summer rain! Rain in the Desert is awe inspiring every time I see it! The smell is amazing and all is right in the world! Here is our Saguaro in our front yard, soaking up the rain!
Grace, it's the name for a girl
It's also a thought that changed the world... u2
Grace to you!
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