Thursday, August 28, 2008


bliss –noun
1. supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment

Days are sometimes long and night restless but some where in between the comings and goings there is BLISS.. Here are some moments of BLISS I want to share with you..

Best Friends - So Proud to have thier new green JUNIOR GIRL SCOUT vest!

Bags packed for SURF camp! Yes that means we (Abby & I) leaving soon, well Saturday morning for the long weekend in San Diego camping on the beach! Consider this your warning that surf camp picture over load is on it's way!

Ahh the joys of child labor...yes this is bliss! (for me at least)

Even better yet the same boy whose teachers have never had anything nice to say about his handwriting has either hired someone to write for him, or has enough sense about him to slow isn't perfect but boy what an improvement!
and of course when you are 2 and half how can your life be anything BUT BLISSFUL!

Even if you are a glass half full type, there is BLISS in the everyday, you just some times have to look for it!

This should include a note to see previous post...the sure bliss of time with good friends and laughter!

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