Wednesday, August 6, 2008

De cluttering day II

The kids are still out of town and I decided to tackle Tim's room next, I did this yesterday...This was my Dad's office and he buidlt this in the room. The drawers serve as the Tims dresser so it is really the only furniture he has. They are super deep and hold so much! This is what is looked like BEFORE...
These are all the CLEAN clothes I found UNDER HIS BED! It is only a twin! There was a heard of dust bunnies living with them so I thought it was best that we wash them AGAIN!

This is what the after looks like. Look there is a pretty laminate counter top!

Here is the other side...with a nice stack of school supplies waiting for him!

I should have taken a picture of under the bed, he NEVER believes me when I tell him what I pulled out from there! It is nice and clean now! There are about a half dozen or so baseballs under the desk but I will let him fish those out!
He only had one bag of trash like a small shopping bag and then a pillow that had seen better days if it weren't for the clothes I would have been a pretty happy camper.

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